On Turtle now has 31 stations in Romania

OnTurtle has now announced the opening of 31 new service stations recently opened in Romania. The company continues with its international development strategy, and is already present in eleven countries throughout the old continent, according to company sources in a press release.

With 28 years of experience in the sector, the firm reiterates its objective of covering the main international transport routes to improve its services. Currently, OnTurtle operates in Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Poland and, now, Romania, adding a total of more than 1,700 service stations in its network.

Romania is, after Poland, the second largest market in Eastern Europe. "Romania's export strategy connects regions, cities and towns to broaden the exporter base and create exports that respond to the demand of new markets, especially the European Union," explained Marta Fàbregas, CEO of OnTurtle.

"The country's strategic location makes it a platform linking the markets of Russia, the Balkans and the Caspian, especially from the port of Constanta, the most important port on the Black Sea. In addition, its position will be key in the future for EU logistics, among others, also due to the passage of the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline," the company said.

Full story at OnTurtle opens about thirty service stations in Romania - Service Stations (interempresas.net)