REA receives 176 bids for rural petrol stations

The Rural Energy Agency of Tanzania said recently that hundreds have applied for loans to establish rural filling stations however, a handful were shortlisted.

The agency said they received 176 applications after closing the tender in August but after scrutinising submissions only 26 were deemed fit to go to the next round.

The REA Director of Renewable and Alternative Energy Technologies, Eng Advera Mwijage, said after the final round they expect to approve around ten to 15 applicants for rural filling stations.

“The loans meant to enable rural areas to also have quality fuel at authorised rates and reduce risks of selling the products arbitrarily while quality is not guaranteed,” Ms Mwijage said during a working session between reporters, editors, and REA arranged by the Treasury Registrar (TR) Office.

Full story at REA receives 176 bids for rural petrol station - Daily News