Reactions to new EU smoking bans

The European Commission wants to create more smoke-free zones to reduce the dangers of passive smoking. In the future, tobacco smoking is also to be banned in many outdoor places, including the outdoor areas of restaurants, and the bans will also include the use of e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters.

The EU justifies the corresponding initiative with the fact that children and young people in particular should be better protected from the dangers of passive smoking.

The Federal Association of the Tobacco Industry and Novel Products, said in a statement, "the BVTE member company Reemtsma clearly rejects further tightening of existing smoking bans in public spaces: "They not only require comprehensive resources and comprehensive controls. They also represent a disproportionate and ineffective paternalism of adult consumers."

The company opposes "the undifferentiated equal treatment of different tobacco and nicotine products, as expressed in the Commission's plans". Such a regulatory approach would be a "disservice to all adult smokers who want to switch from conventional tobacco products to novel, potentially risk-reduced alternatives such as e-cigarettes".

Original article Tobacco regulation - Reactions to new planned EU smoking bans -