Glusco Energy SA was bought out by a Greek entrepreneur

Dimitrios Anifantakis, a Greek businessman registered in Ukraine as an individual entrepreneur, has acquired a 100% stake in the Swiss company Glusco Energy SA, which owns more than 100 gas stations and four oil depots in Ukraine.

An agreement with Israeli businessman Nisan Moiseyev, who owned the fuel network, was signed in late October 2021. The amount of the contract is not disclosed.

The new owner of the Glusco gas station network is a Greek citizen and has been working in the global energy trade for more than 30 years. He has held senior management positions at Litasco, BP plc, Cargill SA, Motor Oil Hellas and others.

Dimitrios Anifantakis is currently a member of the board of directors of Motor Oil Hellas, the largest Greek refinery group, which owns a modern refinery and about 1,500 gas stations in Greece and abroad.

Dimitrios Anifantakis said "We plan to modernize it in accordance with international standards. Our focus will primarily be on maintaining excellent customer service and high quality petroleum products, as well as the introduction of European innovations," said the entrepreneur.