Transaction Network Services teams with WannLynx on fuel pump messaging

Transaction Network Services, a provider of network payment solutions, and WannLynx, which integrates payments from controllers and terminals ensuring secure EMV transactions, are partnering to give U.S. convenience stores more control and content management of their payment terminals, both instore and at the forecourt, according to a press release.

The collaboration will enable c-stores to deliver key messaging and engage a customer with a variety of incentives to purchase other products or services while the customer is filling their fuel tank. Besides product offers, c-stores can now display and air advertisements or videos from third parties, further enhancing the revenue options in the forecourt.

"As the deadline for EMV capability at the dispenser is just a year away, the TNS — WannLynx solution can provide added value services that can help offset the investment in new hardware," Deepak Wanner, president and CEO of WannLynx, said in the release. "Our solution enables secure EMV transactions using TNS' secure payment network while enhancing the customer experience at the pump."

WannLynx's FuelLynx technology allows the store owner to customise the message both in the forecourt and in-store while controlling the way content is displayed, discounts and order ahead services. "Our c-store customers are looking for customised content solutions that can expand their revenue opportunities while they upgrade their payment technology, " said Bill Versen, chief product officer at TNS.