Oxxo opened its first store Grab and Go, in Monterey which represents a disruption in the retail market, being the first of its kind in the whole of Latin America, a completely digital system.
“With this first store Located in TEC of Monterey, OXXO supports our commitment to technological innovation and customer satisfaction through improvements in the shopping experience.
Ricardo Leyva, Director of Transformation and Strategic Planning at OXXO, said, “Through Grab & Go we want to provide a unique shopping experience, powered by technology, that is replicable and transferable across universities, plazas and parks. “
Customers flock to stores with this new Grab & Go shopping experience via a QR code, they take their products, and payment is made automatically when leaving the establishment. They receive purchase tickets on their cell phones through an app.
The said store will operate through an artificial intelligence system, equipped with state-of-the-art cameras, which will recognize the identity of each customer as well as the products they carry.
It should be noted that, thanks to the 100% digital system, this store will operate 100% without friction, so that the moment a customer takes their products and leaves the store, the camera and technology system will automatically charge the products and Ticket is received.