Fountain launches its first zero-emission station

Fountain Fuel launched its very first zero-emission energy station in Amersfoort. This station is the kick-start of its national network of zero-emission energy stations. At these stations, large-scale hydrogen refuelling and electric charging are combined.

During the kick-start, a number of myths about hydrogen were debunked, such as the idea that hydrogen would be especially suitable for industrial applications or that hydrogen in mobility is only something for heavy transport. The stories on stage showed the opportunities of hydrogen for application within mobility – and also what is still needed to accelerate this.

“The Netherlands is fully engaged in an energy transition and hydrogen will be of indispensable value in this, also in mobility. The government has therefore made 178 million euros available in the Climate Package for hydrogen applications on road and inland shipping.”

“Ultimately, this remains a joint task that we are working on, together with entrepreneurs and companies. With this charging and filling station, hydrogen refueling and electric charging are combined. An innovative concept that brings completely emission-free driving one step closer.”

Mobility as a driver of the hydrogen economy

In the discussions between speakers and the audience – consisting of governments, entrepreneurs, OEMs and financiers – the role that hydrogen plays in the energy transition was discussed. Hydrogen in mobility was mentioned by the attendees as a flywheel for this energy transition.

Arguments such as speed of introduction, better margins, retention of knowledge in the Netherlands, lower costs for infrastructure and relieving the electricity grid were put forward

Grid congestion and raw materials

Dr. Juergen Guldner, hydrogen program manager at the BMW Group, also explained the need for hydrogen in mobility: Hydrogen is not only a good fuel choice for industry or heavy transport – passenger cars with a fuel cell are an additional option for locally emission-free mobility in addition to battery-electric vehicles.

He elaborated on the increased reliance on raw materials for battery-electric vehicles only and expressed concerns about the available charging capacity.

“The BMW Group sees hydrogen as a versatile energy carrier that plays a key role in the energy transition and thus in climate protection. With our test fleet of BMW iX5 prototypes, we investigate how the cars behave around the world in different climates. We choose to be part of the opening of the first Fountain Fuel, because filling stations need hydrogen cars and vice versa!”

Hydrogen refueling and e-charging go hand in hand at Fountain Fuel

Dr. Susanne Goldammer, managing director hydrogen fueltech at Linde Engineering and Sander Sommer, managing director Benelux at Allego highlighted the two sides of the coin at Fountain Fuel. Hydrogen and electric charging – two complementary techniques that can and must coexist.

Linde provided insight into its vision on the global roll-out of hydrogen filling stations and the need for quality and safety. Allego focused more specifically on the efficient use of limited space in the Netherlands and solutions to the nitrogen problem.

One is not: the importance of a network

Stephan Bredewold, co-founder of Fountain Fuel, said: Contributing to achieving the climate goals with zero-emission fuel is our priority – then hydrogen refuelling and e-charging are a great combination.

“The best of both worlds!” But: according to Fountain Fuel and the speakers present, scaling up is of great importance for this. The switch to zero-emission driving will mainly succeed if there is sufficient tank infrastructure available – and vice versa.

Bredewold: “As State Secretary Heijnen indicated, we really need a network of zero-emission energy stations to meet the demand in 2025. So Fountain Fuel is making progress: by 2025 we want to have started with 11 energy stations and by 2030 the counter will be 50 Fountain Fuels, spread across the Netherlands.”

After a few more weeks of testing, the location in Amersfoort will open to the public at the beginning of June. Locations in Rotterdam and Nijmegen are in preparation and after the summer Fountain Fuel expects to announce 4 new locations.

About Fountain Fuel

Hydrogen is the fuel for a sustainable future! Fountain Fuel is building a network of zero-emission energy stations in which we combine hydrogen refuelling and electric fast charging.

In 2023 we will build our first Fountain Fuels in Amersfoort, Rotterdam and Nijmegen. By 2025, we want to build or have built energy stations at 11 locations.