HEM wins Gold award at Euro-Shop 2023

The petrol station chain HEM of Deutsche Tamoil GmbH was awarded the POPAI Award in Gold at EuroShop 2023. The award ceremony of the Shop! V. is carried out in over 14 countries and regions and includes various categories such as visual merchandising, retail design, shop fitting, shop-in-shop systems and flagship stores.

The award related to "Energy Zone" a second cooler on its shop floor that is installed in an LED-lit shelf. In particular, the outstanding shop fitting of the display as well as the innovative technology such as the sensor technology of the integrated goods feeders, which makes the effect of the "Energy Zone" precisely measurable, were honoured with the POPAI Award.

As a joint project of the companies POS Tuning, Red Bull Germany and Deutsche Tamoil with the HEM petrol stations, the marketing campaign thus serves as an additional, eye-catching sales area.

With the gold award in the category "Best of Analytics Data" in the "Retail Technology" category, the sales promotion qualifies for the international "Shop! Global Awards", which will be presented next year.